Different games will be able to be played.
Participants will choose what games to play!
Card games – Poker, Blackjack, Gin Rummy, Uno/Crazy 8/War/Go Fish, Magic, Pokemon, YuGiOh, Cell Phone, Solitaire
Board games – Chess, Checkers, Backgammon, Monopoly, Scrabble, Sorry, Trivial Pursuit, Risk, Battleship, Stratego, Clue
Puzzle games – Sudoku, Rubik’s Cube, Jigsaw puzzles, 3-D puzzles, Jengo block game, metal wire games, Dominos
Possible addition of computer games in the future (Playstation, X-Box, WII) or Bingo or The Game Show Network games.
Outdoor games possibilities: Shuffleboard, Croquet, Badminton, Bocci Ball, Lawn darts, Pickelball, Cornhole